Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Must Have Album: The Black Keys (ALL THE DAMN ALBUMS)
I seriously love The Black Keys.
Why you ask?! Well firstly, why the hell not. And secondly its based purely on two interconnected things - honesty & rock.
Their music is straight up honest rock. Its magical, beautiful, pure blissful rock & I love it.
Perfect blend
of blues, soul, rock n roll.
And now that Dan and Patrick are finally getting the recognition they hate, but deserve, their opinions are bigger and even better.
Good on you world, its about time a Band that deserves to be up there makes it.
Down with Justin Beaver (not a mistake - refuse to give his name an acknowledgment) up with
the BLACK KEYS!!!!
(PS - I know they have 7 albums released, I just posted on the lastest two - ease for viewers to get into them)
The Black Keys - Brothers

* Ten Cent Pistol
* Next Girl
* Sinister Kid
* The Only One
The Black Keys - El Camino

* Lonely Boy
* Run Right Back
* Gold On The Ceiling
* Little Black Submarines
Monday, March 26, 2012
Must Have Album (but only for the fan of): The Used - Vulnerable
The Used : Vulnerable

Excuse my candor, but this post is a bit selfish, as I am a fan so forgive me, just a little. I have been a fan since the beginning and yes, I know, the sound is a bit dated, yes, I know, they are getting old, and yes, I know, this album wont get them any new fans, but for the 'old' fans - this still is great, it still rocks f*****g hard, and its awesome.
So once again, for the ol' fans of The Used, get this album, enjoy the nostalgia, and add it tothe collection.
Stand Out Tracks:
* Put Me out
* Together Burning Bright
* Hands and Faces
Thursday, March 22, 2012
White & White Clock
Benjamin Béche - welcome to the real world.
Monday, March 19, 2012
#1 Accessory - The Beard
The best accessory a man can have and wear everyday is a beard. As long as its epic (massive or stuble) use it, grow it, abuse it, love it.
Dale Stephen Strime

Philip Crangi

Brian Wilson

William Fitzsimmons

Josh Strauss

Sunday, March 18, 2012
Sam Lambert - Style Icon
Ye, this may seem a little bit weird, but being a blog for men of dappernisisms, how could one leave out one of the fore front leaders of dapper.
World meet Sam Lambert.
Pocket squares, ties, and socks.

Headwear, rings and pocket watches.

Checkered shirt with pantone tie & the soon to be gigantic again Felt Hat. Beauty.

Man bag, ankle grazers, short sleeve button up, and felt hat (watch out for this).

Tweed blazer, man bag and round top Felt Hat.

Must Have Album: The Tallest Man On Earth - The Wild Hunt
The Tallest Man On Earth - The Wild Hunt

Gosh darnit I'm an absolute huge fan of The Tallest Man On Earth. I would as far as to go as to say he is definitely one of the better and greater singer/songwriters of our times and hells yes, he is SWEDISH!! The Swedes just do it right, all the time.
I have been meaning to do this post for long now, and I am not not comfortable reading my blog with out giving Kristian Matsson the acknowledgement and recognition he deserves.
And oh yeah, get his whole catalogue, you wont regret it.
Stand Out Tracks:
* Love Is All
* King of Spain
* The Wild Hunt
* You're Going Back
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Must Have Album: Young Gungs - Bones
Young Guns - Bones

I must be honest, at first I was not a fan at all, one could've and did easily confuse these squires for another emo post hardcore band from the UK, but, happily, we have been given "BONES". It is in fact a great album. There is just the right blend of rock, emotion, indie and even hints of glam rock (this is a good thang, yes indeed). It grows on you fast, like a fat kid to cake, you easily eat it up.
The production level is great, but what really gets you are the chorus'. They are powerful, epic and catchy all at once. I am a fan now, and thoroughly enjoying it. Get it, love it, feel it in your bones.
Stand out tracks:
* Bones
* Headlights
* Brother In Arms
* Towers
* Learn My Lesson
Friday, March 16, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Must Have Album: Little Barrie - King Of The Waves
Little Barrie - King of the Waves

This album is wiicked. This album is a must have. This album is ment to be abused.
It brings tears of joys to me, this new resurgence of dark, dirty, bluesy, rock feel that is happening.
Little Barrie has got the perfect mix of dirty blues, surf rock, indy rock and ol simple rock n roll.
The recording is distroted, riffs are catchy, voice is powerful, drums are kicking and the good thing is, it all works.
Im a fan. Good Job.
Stand out tracks:
* King Of The Waves
* Now We're Here
* Surf Hell
* Tip It Over
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Must Have Album: Yellow Ostrich - Strange Land
Yellow Ostrich : Strange Land

Yellow Ostrich's sophmore album Strange Land is good, infact, its gosh really darn good. It's bold, brave, understated, loud and just cool. If you haven't heard them before it's a great starting point.
Stand Out Tracks:
* Elephant King
* I Got No Time For You
* I Want Yr Love
* Marathon Runner
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